
Wereld Hypertensiedag

17 mei Wereldhypertensiedag

Elk jaar wordt op 17 mei de Wereld Hypertensie Dag gehouden. Dit is een initiatief van de World Hypertension League (WHL) - - , wat weer een overkoepelende organisatie is van 85 nationale hypertensieverenigingen. De dag wordt gehouden om wereldwijd de awareness van hypertensie, al jaren de belangrijkste doodsoorzaak, te vergroten. Jaarlijks wordt een specifiek thema gekozen, maar sinds 2013 is het thema ‘Know Your Numbers’ met als doel de awareness van hoge bloeddruk bij alle bevolkingen in de wereld te vergroten.

Wereldhypertensiedag in Nederland

De Nederlandse Hypertensie vereniging heeft dit initiatief omarmd, zodat geïnteresseerden in Nederland kunnen gaan deelnemen in de MMM-meting. Geïnteresseerd om deel te nemen aan de metingen? Mail naar de NHV:

Interessante artikelen hierover:

Veel Nederlanders onwetend van risico's hoge bloeddruk: link.

Hartstichting roept mensen op regelmatig hun bloeddruk te meten: link.

International Society of Hypertension | May 2023

Dear colleagues,

Today we celebrate World Hypertension Day (WHD).

The International Society of Hypertension (ISH) fully endorses the theme of WHD 2023 "Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer".

We have produced a short video to amplify the message that 10 million deaths every year across the world could have been avoided if high blood pressure had been detected and treated. To put this in perspective, the Covid pandemic is estimated to have led to the premature death of 7 million people globally over 3 years, whereas high blood pressure kills 10 million people every year, 30 million over that same period.

Lots more needs to be done by governments, public health agencies and healthcare systems to counter the devastating and perpetual menace of hypertension – the silent killer.

We would also like to share a resource page highlighting fantastic global activities taking place by many of our Affiliated Societies and members to mark WHD and May Measurement Month (MMM). Click here

So, let WHD and this month of May act as a prompt for people to get their blood pressure checked if not checked before.

Wishing all our members and Affiliated Societies the very best of luck with all your WHD and MMM activities, and please share our video via your social media platforms. The video will be posted on our YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook pages.


Professor Bryan Williams

President of International Society of Hypertension